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after nearly 2 years on the road in 30 cities globally, i set out to create an updated set of messaging and visuals that represented the beloved Treasure Truck brand, while considering new initiatives and future growth and experimentation. a major part of that was treasure truck’s expansion beyond, well, trucks! as we unveiled vans and in-store kiosks to drive higher convenience for customers, i wanted to continue to convey that Treasure Truck is a physical, local experience, and the playfulness the brand carries—regardless of vehicle.

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headline: after much exploration, i chose “an unexpected way to shop with amazon”. “unexpected” leans into the surprise and delight of the program, without being saccharine. Further, We know from user testing that "shop with Amazon", is a well-understood concept that gains trust with new customers.

tagline: "What's around the corner?" playfully conveys that Treasure Truck is a physical, local experience. we also liked the fact that it’s a question—maintaining the surprise and mystery customers love about the program.

location-based tagline: as we unveiled kiosks in physical locations, we needed OOH signage to help a Whole Foods Market, Amazon Go, or any other store’s shopper as to why Treasure Truck is advertising within that store. our approach was to intertwine our value prop with the store name to convey a partnership.

script: Another piece I felt was important to have is a script—a certified best way to communicate the program to customers, and keep our ever-growing brand feeling cohesive. This is what we want our brand ambassador's to know by heart, or have on hand for press coverage.