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project /

our objective was to create a custom informational video to further automate and optimize the vendor pitch experience for treasure truck.

previously, There was no consistent way for the Business Development team to explain the program and convey the delightfulness of the at-truck experience when pitching vendors.

now, this video is sent to vendors to explain Treasure truck’s value and uniqueness, reducing the time it takes to source an offer in the sourcing pipeline. it also ensures that our fun and delightful message is delivered correctly, every time—enabling more business partners to pitch the benefits on the program’s behalf.

design /

i partnered with our team’s motion designer to write the script, create a storyboard, shoot the footage, and work with voice talent. i am also the hand model in the iphone demo, and my apartment is the set. which is how we did this for $30k less than estimated internal pricing! and delivered it 2 weeks ahead of schedule!

the excitement around this asset has led to many other utilizations. it was Repurposed for A new hire Training Module for field staff (400+ trained/quarter), Repurposed for PR B-roll, and was Localized for use in the UK.

going further /

we continued this important work of vendor pitching by designing an event landing page, which features photo and video highlights from our “greatest hit” events. We built the page using a new content design tool and worked with Marketing, PR, and Legal to launch it in December 2019. VIEW THAT HERE.